Orange County

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7 Tips for Choosing Orange County Roofing Contractors


Your roof is in desperate need of a makeover. But the last thing you want is a botched job. We're sharing how to choose the best orange county roofing company!

Have you taken a good look at your roof lately?

If your shingles are curling, cracked, or missing, that means it's time for a new roof.

It's not a home repair you should put off too long. Though it is understandable if you've been procrastinating. 

Finding a great roofing company can be a little daunting! Especially if you don't know what to look for or the right questions to ask. 

Your roof is in desperate need of a makeover. But the last thing you want is a botched job. We're sharing how to choose the best Orange County roofing company!


1. Get Referrals for Good Orange County Roofing Contractors From Friends

This is easily the first step in narrowing down a list of contractors. Blindly picking someone off the internet can be a scary gamble. Knowing that friends had a good experience with a company can give you peace of mind. 

If you get a name or two from friends, it's still important to do your research. You don't want to assume that an acquaintance already did that leg work. 

In the event something unfortunate does happen, you'll only have yourself to blame if it turns out they weren't a reputable company.

2. Make Sure They Have The Proper Licenses and Insurance

The first bit of research to look into is whether all their employees are insured. They should be able to produce a certificate as proof. 

Roofing can be dangerous. If a worker is injured at your home and the company doesn't have insurance, you could be liable to pay up. The last thing you want is to have to argue that in court. 

Next, ask for a copy of their roofing license. You can then use the copy to check their status online. Just because they had a license at one time, doesn't mean it's up to date. 

Be very wary if an Orange County roofing contractor seems annoyed or hesitant about these requests. 

3. Contact the Better Business Bureau

If a contractor doesn't show up on the Better Business Bureau, that's a red flag. Legitimate contracting business should at least have a profile on the website. 

If they don't, it's best not to chance it and just look for another Orange County roofing company. 

On the BBB website, you can check their score. Sometimes business have direct reviews from customers on their profile. If not, try looking them up on Yelp or other review sites to see how people are rating them. 

4. Choose a Contractor that Shows You All Your Roofing Options

Watch out if a contractor doesn't make you aware of all your shingle options. There are all sorts of styles and colors when it comes to shingles. 

If an Orange County roofing contractor just gives you one option they might be lazy or looking out for their bottom line. You want to feel confident that the contractor you're working with wants the best outcome for your home. 

The perfect shingles can really add to the curb appeal and value of a home. If you think you might someday sell your house, this is especially important to consider.

5. Go With a Local Orange County Contractor 

You want to be sure that your contractor has roots in your community. Maybe they're working in your area now, but will that be true next year?

Chances are you'll have a 5-year warranty plan. If you choose a fly-by-night contractor, you might find a few years from now you can't get in contact with them. Maybe the business has closed or they picked up and moved too far. 

Then you'll be stuck with the cost of roof repairs that should have been covered.

Avoid "storm-chasers." These are people who just come into town after a storm or natural disaster pounding the pavement for work. You'll never know where they'll be next week or next year. 

Ask potential contractors how long they've been in business. Try to find out their reputation in the community. A business can always go under unexpectedly, but you can do your best to check for red flags. 

6. Look for Good and Timely Communication 

During all this research, you'll probably be doing a lot of back-and-forth communication with contractors. If a contractor has all the right stuff but is hard to reach, you might want to reconsider them. 

You often hear horror stories of people doing a home renovation who can never get in touch with their contractor. It's frustrating for you and slows the project down. 

Think about it. A contractor who's not so great at returning your calls when they're trying to get your business? Imagine how slow they'll be when they have it. 

A good contractor will call you back in a timely way. They'll also listen and be receptive to your questions and concerns. You should get the sense that this person cares about doing a good job and meeting your needs. 

7. Compare Pricing, but Remember That Cheapest Isn't Always Best

This can be a tricky concept. Obviously, you want to find the best price. But, where's the line between paying too much and getting what you pay for?

When you call around, don't jump the gun because you've finally been quoted an amazing price.

First, ask yourself, is this way too far below all the other quotes I've gotten? The price should be somewhere in the range of the area standard . For instance, if you live in Laguna Beach, CA, check prices in that area.

Next, don't get too excited over the price and neglect to do all the other research. Still, follow all these tips we've listed. A great price upfront won't be worth it if you have to pay for an injured worker who wasn't insured. 

Also, if a contractor ends up doing bad work, you'll end up paying more, in the long run, getting it fixed. Then pile on to that the time and the hassle. 

If you keep these tips in mind, you're sure to find a great Orange County Roofing Contractor!

Think you might need a roof replacement or repair? Reach out to us at Luke Roofing! We're here to answer any questions you might have.

Ever thought about solar installations? Check out our blog, "Is Your Roof Right for Solar Energy" to learn more!

At Luke Roofing we're proud of our reputation in Orange County as being efficient, honest, and reliable contractors. 

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Larry N. on Monday, 09 October 2017 19:28

Really liked how short and to the point this article is. The timely response blurb is what I should have paid attention to the last time we replaced our roof. The company we ended up going with was slow and did not meet the time line discussed.

Really liked how short and to the point this article is. The timely response blurb is what I should have paid attention to the last time we replaced our roof. The company we ended up going with was slow and did not meet the time line discussed.
John A. on Friday, 31 May 2024 23:29

Can't tell you how important it is to me to find a truly local roofing contractor. I.e. family owned and operated within Orange County. I worked with a much larger outfit that was not based in OC and paid the price IMO.

Can't tell you how important it is to me to find a truly local roofing contractor. I.e. family owned and operated within Orange County. I worked with a much larger outfit that was not based in OC and paid the price IMO.
Abby M. (Editor) on Friday, 31 May 2024 23:32

Thanks for you note John! Yep, Luke Roofing is still a family operated business with roots here in Orange County. Can't imagine that changing any time soon. Loving OC and all of our clients here!

Thanks for you note John! Yep, Luke Roofing is still a family operated business with roots here in Orange County. Can't imagine that changing any time soon. Loving OC and all of our clients here!