Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Luke Roofing offers some of the latest technology in commercial roofs. We'd love the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss your commercial roof options. Roofing solutions have changed dramatically over the last few years which means you really need to work with a roofing company that is staying on top of the latest and best solutions....

Luke Roofing offers some of the latest technology in commercial roofs. We'd love the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss your commercial roof options. Roofing solutions have changed dramatically over the last few years which means you really need to work with a roofing company that is staying on top of the latest and best solutions. Call us today for your free quote.


A Sunny Business Solution

When an Orange County roofer installs a skylight atop a commercial building, this professional is doing more than suppling increased illumination. Of course, you say, the roofing expert also is providing a great view of the deep blue sky (assuming rain clouds have not gathered). True enough. But the other benefit resulting from the installation of a skylight is a potential increase in business performance. How exactly can this rooftop window make a difference to the bottom line? Well, there are several ways.

First, there’s the mood enhancement principal. When a commercial roofer installs a skylight on a business structure, the admitted sunlight has a positive effect on everyone inside. This is difficult to dispute. Ample research suggests that light from our nearest star generally has a cheering effect on people. The sunlight phenomenon has a special significance for workers. Bathed in solar illumination, staff members are more inclined to feel upbeat and positive. Stimulated in this way, employees are more likely to feel energized. Increased productivity often is the favorable result. Additionally, ample sunshine enhances visibility. This benefit is particularly important in a retail environment, where clearly-seen merchandise is more likely to grab attention.

Who should consider the installation of a skylight? Good candidates are those who own or operate a commercial building in a busy Orange County city, such as Irvine. Simply contact an Irvine commercial roofer (or appropriate professional for your city) to get a detailed overview of benefits and other pertinent information. It very well may be the first step to an unexpected business windfall.

If you have questions about getting a skylight for a commercial building, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Easy Access for a Commercial Building

If you own or manage a commercial building, chances are good that sooner or later roof access will become necessary. Access may be needed for a variety of reason. For instance, for the transporting of equipment and supplies into the structure, or to permit the entry of maintenance personnel. Fortunately, a qualified Orange County commercial roofing contractor can help provide this necessary access with an excellent solution. That solution is a roof hatch. This is a common site on commercial structures. Easily installed by an Orange County roofer, it basically is a horizontal door that fits snugly over a roof opening. A roof hatch may be opened and closed as needed.

Depending on the type of roof to be serviced, roof hatches may vary to fit the situation. Commercial roofers often install one of these doors to replace an existing one. As with other components, the previous hatch may have deteriorated or become damaged. A qualified Orange County roofing company also may install a hatch as part of a new building.

Clearly, a well-sealed, watertight hatch is a high priority. To ensure a secure seal, an Orange County commercial roofer often will employ a flanged design. This precautionary measure is applicable, no matter where a commercial building is located. For instance, you may be considering a new or replacement roof hatch for a commercial building in Newport Beach. Should this be the case, be sure to consult with a qualified Newport Beach commercial roofer before committing to an installation. The firm's professional input can offer you a complete assessment of your roof and a solid basis for a sound decision.

If you have questions about roof hatch installation for a commercial building, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Solid Contract is Solid Protection

You’ve combed the landscape, and after hours of exhausting effort, you’ve found the perfect Orange County roofer. But if you think the legwork is finished, taking you off the hook, you’re in for a major surprise. True, you’re to be commended for the time and energy thus far invested. It’s helped you find a suitable professional with the skill necessary to inspect, repair, or replace your roof. But you also must make certain that you and your chosen Orange County roofing company are on the same page. And the only way to do that is by securing an agreement that spells out clearly the terms and conditions of the service to be performed. Signing this important document acknowledges your full understanding of the content contained therein. Don’t take this contract lightly. If you’re uncertain about any of its components, ask for clarification or consult an expert who can shed light on troubling ambiguities. 
When reviewing a contract between you and an Orange County roofer, bear in mind the following. First, insist on details. Simply stating that you’re to receive new flashing, shingles, or other components isn’t enough. Ideally, you’ll want to know what kind and in what quantity (among other things).  
Also, know in advance as much as possible about payment terms. How much of a deposit will be required and how many days do you have to cancel? And while we’re on the topic of timeliness, it’s also important to know when your Orange County roofing company will arrive to perform the agreed-upon work. Since inclement weather can strike any time, rescheduling may be necessary. Nevertheless, a clearly delineated time frame will help you set reasonable parameters and expectations. Sure, a sunny locale such as Costa Mesa rarely experiences harsh weather. Still, you’ll be much better off establishing a reliable time frame with your chosen Costa Mesa roofer. 
If you have questions about securing a contract with a roofing company, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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Liability Insurance - A Necessity for Roofing Contractors

Your Orange County roofing contractor must have several licenses and types of insurance in order to work legally in California. Among other things, they’ll need a local license and workmen’s compensation insurance.

One type of insurance that is sometimes optional for legal work is liability insurance. However, you’ll definitely want to ensure that your roofer has good liability insurance. This is the type of insurance that actually protects you, the homeowner, in case of a disaster.

What liability insurance covers

A roofing contractor’s liability insurance covers incidents that are caused by the contractor or by the work that goes on in your home. Sometimes these incidents are due to negligence, but this is rarely the case. In fact, many liability insurance claims come about by complete accident.

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The Mighty Hero of Roofing

Every Orange County roofer knows that roofing has a mighty hero. It’s not the crew members, although they certainly do their share of amazing things. And it’s not the people behind the scenes, fielding phone calls and questions . No, this hero is something that’s an important part of your rooftop; yet, it’s seldom noticed by anyone but the keenest observer. The hero in question goes by the name ‘flashing’. Sounds fast. But this hero’s powers have very little to do with speed. The significance of flashing is its protective powers. Without it, people could find themselves battling roof leaks by the dozen.

In a nutshell, flashing is a roll of thin, moisture-resistant metal. Often made of copper, aluminum, lead, or galvanized steel, it serves as a barrier against unwanted water and other elements. Typically, a commercial roofer will install flashing around roof valleys, skylights, and vents.  Bear in mind, installation is no casual affair. Flashing must be precisely placed in order to safeguard vulnerable areas. Once installed, flashing works by collecting pooled water and diverting it away from protected zones.

When protecting a roof valley, for instance, an Orange County roofer will install a strip of flashing beneath the edge of the roof shingles. Any water dripping into the valley will travel down the flashing and into the rain gutter.

Decking is another part of the home that benefits from flashing. For instance, if you owned a beach house in San Clemente, a San Clemente roofer most likely installed these metal strips against the side of the home. This precautionary measure will keep moisture from dripping behind the wooden piece the keeps your deck secured to the house.

If you have any questions about protecting your roof with flashing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente, Westminister or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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5 Signs of a Leaky Commercial Roof

With the way that many commercial buildings are put together, roof leaks can be difficult to see. Proper maintenance and inspection can help you avoid roofing leaks or catch them early. But sometimes, they just happen.

Leaks tend to look a little different on commercial roofs than on residential roofs. And they’re even harder to spot if no one regularly visits the attic of your commercial building. So it’s important to understand and know how to look for signs of a leaky commercial roof. Here are the 5 most common signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for:

1.Bubbling: This sign is most relevant for flat roofs finished with a solid material. In this case, bubbles can be a sign of moisture trapped inside the roofing material. When these bubbles form, your roof will be more susceptible to wind-related damage. You usually can’t see bubbling from the ground, so it’s important to check for this particular sign regularly from the roof itself.

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Commercial Roof Repair Experience

commercial-roof-maintenance-300When it comes to your commercial building, the roof is one of the most expensive - and most essential - pieces. A leaky roof can mean serious damage to other systems in your commercial building. This is why it’s essential to hire professionals for commercial roof repair.

What if you have a maintenance person or even an entire crew in your building? Shouldn’t you just let them do the repairs?

Well, that depends. If your maintenance workers have experience in commercial roofing, they may be able to do the repairs themselves. But if this isn’t the case, hiring a professional Orange County roofing contractor can actually save you money in the long run. Here’s why:

Inexperience can lead to mistakes

Even if your maintenance crew has a bit of experience installing and maintaining roofs, they may not have all the experience necessary to truly do the job right. Mistakes with commercial roof repair can lead to larger consequences down the road - like leaks that cause problems with other systems.

Even simple mistakes like using the wrong equipment to get onto the rooftop can cause damage to your gutters or to the roof itself. Even walking on the roof incorrectly can cause problems that you have to pay to fix down the road. Then, you’ll find yourself shelling out more cash to fix those problems, snowballing the costs of the roof repair.

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Commercial Roof Maintenance Schedule

commercial-roof-maintenance-sheduleHow often should you maintain your commercial roof?

Roofs are one of those things that we tend to think about only when they malfunction. As long as the roof is doing its job - protecting your building - you may not give it much thought. But as soon as a problem arises and the roof is no longer working properly, it’s an emergency situation!

One way to avoid these emergencies is obviously to maintain your commercial roof on a regular basis. Commercial roof maintenance may not be the most exciting thing on your business’s to-do list, but it’s important. After all, your roof protects the rest of your building, which protects your business’s assets from weather and other problems.

So commercial roof maintenance from an Orange County roofing contractor is actually pretty important. But how often should you pay someone to inspect your roof and do routine maintenance? Well, industry standards suggest that twice-a-year inspections are ideal, especially for commercial roofs.

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Tips for Hiring Orange County Commercial Roofers

commercial-roof-and-solarAre you preparing to re-roof your commercial or office building? A commercial roofing job can be quite similar to a residential one. But it can also be quite a bit more complex. The key to getting a great deal and good value on your new roof is to hire the right Orange County commercial roofers for the job.

Wondering exactly where to begin when it comes to hiring a commercial roofer? Here are our top X tips to get it done right:

1. Do your research

As with any major business purchase, you definitely need to start this one with plenty of research. Get online and start looking at what’s available in Orange County.

Don’t just look at contractors in the area, either. Do some research on the available materials and processes for your commercial roof. Just because your current roof uses certain materials doesn’t mean that you have to go with that same option this time around. Educate yourself a bit on what’s available for commercial roofs in your area.

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Flat Roof Maintenance

flat roofs 300Flat roofs can be a great option for businesses and homes alike. They’re more efficient and cheaper to build, and they can give you usable space on the roof of your home. But flat roofs can also require a bit more maintenance than their traditionally-sloped counterparts. It’s important when you have a flat roof to perform regular maintenance.

One key to maintaining a flat roof is regular inspection. Even if you don’t notice any leaks right now, inspect your roof at least twice per year. This will let you keep on top of potential problems, catching leaky spots before they even start.

If you already notice an issue with your roof - like a leak or an area where the roofing material is peeling or bubbling - it’s time to call in the professional Orange County roofing contractors. A professional contractor will know how to look for underlying issues, and will be able to tell you whether your roof needs replaced or can simply be repaired.

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