Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!

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Roof Repairs, Roof Replacement, Roofing Materials

Your Home’s Not-So-Well-Known Protector

When an Orange County Roofer replaces a roof, the roofing system will include a variety of protective components. One of these components is called a drip edge. Basically, a drip edge is a metal strip affixed to the edges of a roof. Its purpose – to direct rainwater and other moisture away from the home and into rain gutters. Without this metal strip, water would have an easier time getting underneath shingle edges, where the moisture could cause severe damage to fascia board. True, a drip edge isn’t as well-known as other protective components, such as gutters. Nevertheless, it unquestionably has a vitally important job to do.

An Orange County Roofing Company can choose from among several different drip edge materials, each with its own advantages. An aluminum drip edge, for instance, is highly rust resistant. Moreover, this material is available in an assortment of colors, making it ideal for aesthetic purposes.

Galvanized steel drip edges, on the other hand, offer unsurpassed strength and durability. As with the aluminum variety, steel is dependably rust resistant.

Copper drip edges have one advantage over the other two – a truly distinctive look. Because of this special look, many appearance-minded homeowners will choose this type.

An Orange County Roofer must take certain steps to ensure drip edges are securely attached. These steps include cutting the metal strips to create a precision fit, and using roofing nails properly spaced to maximize hold.

Chances are, you have some questions about all this. Fortunately, you can get them answered by a local expert. Let’s say you reside in Irvine. OK, then simply contact an Irvine Roofer to get the answers you need. It’s that easy.

If you have questions about drip edges, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Getting New Roof Tiles? Don’t Skip This Important Step

You’ve selected a team of qualified Orange County Roofers to install new roof tiles. Great. A fresh layer of tiles adds both value and aesthetic appeal to your home. But do you know which ones are best for your home? Presently, the marketplace offers a diversity of tile styles and materials, each with its own characteristics. Given this wealth of possibilities, it behooves you to know what they are. After all, you want to make the best choice – and the best impression, right? OK, then you need to get clued in. The following introduction will help you take this important step.

Concrete is among the most popular tile materials an Orange County Roofing Company can install. As you might expect, this material offers incomparable durability. But it matches this characteristic with another important feature – affordability. You might say concrete beautifully balances these two advantages. And to these you can add another – aesthetic appeal. That’s right. Concrete tiles can simulate the look of wood, slate, and other materials.

Great durability also distinguishes clay tiles, which provide exceptional performance decade after decade. This material has a unique rustic appearance, a characteristic that makes it ideally suited to certain home styles and communities.

Orange County Roofers can give your home an even more pronounced rustic appearance by installing synthetic cedar roof tiles. As the name implies, this material has the look of natural cedar. What it doesn’t have is high maintenance requirements. In fact, the material is extraordinarily easy to care for.

This overview, of course, is just an introduction to the topic of tile styles. You can, however, get much more information by consulting a local expert. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Beach, just contact a Laguna Beach Roofer. The experts there will be glad to expand your knowledge.

If you have questions about roof tiles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Easy Way to Eliminate Algae

You’ve noticed unsightly green splotches atop your roof. Yes, you’ve observed major algae growth. Obviously, you want it gone -- like yesterday. The best option is securing the expert help of a qualified Orange County Roofer. Of course, you could tackle the job yourself. But -- unless you really know the territory, disappointment is likely. Which means you’ll probably contact a professional anyway.

Now why risk disappointment when a seasoned pro can solve your algae issues in a snap. This expert has the tools, the know-how, and the experience to make your troubles go away – quickly and easily.

An Orange County Roofing Company begins the algae removal operation at the beginning. That’s right -- with a thorough inspection of your rooftop. As the shingles are scanned, algae formations are examined from one end of the roof to the other. A few calculations later, the crew has an accurate estimate of the workload and equipment necessary to complete the job.

During the clean-up process, the crew sprays affected areas with a bleach-based solution, which destroys algae and inhibits future growth. Does this complete the job? No. Orange County Roofers must rinse the rooftop with ordinary water to wash away the cleaning agent. (They’ll do this about a half hour after spraying.) The result of all this, of course, is the rapid elimination of algae and the return of a pristine roof that’s once again the pride and joy of the community.

Fortunately, you can learn more about this topic, which understandably piques the interest of many homeowners. You just need to contact a local expert and present your questions. It’s easy. For instance, maybe you hang your hat in Aliso Viejo. In that case, just consult an Aliso Viejo Roofer. You’ll be duly educated in short order.

If you have questions about algae removal, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Where Every Sloping Roof Meets

Maybe you never noticed before, but every sloping roof has a meeting place. No, we’re not talking about a gathering zone for social interactions. What we’re referring to is a point where two angled planes meet on a sloped roof. This connection, appropriately enough, is called a ridge. Exactly what it resembles. Basically, a ridge runs along the length of a rooftop peak, from one edge to the other. When replacing a roof, Orange County Roofers must take very specific steps to construct and secure this connective area. As you can imagine, this job is no routine endeavor. Abundant skill and years of experience come into play when a ridge is constructed.

So, exactly how does an Orange County Roofing Company construct a ridge? Basically, the construction process consists of laying down a series of shingles across the ridge line. The shingles serve as a protective layer for the meeting point.

In many cases, a crew also will install ridge vents near the juntion. These vents allow moist air to flow out of attics or rafter spaces. Very important. Why? Because, the airflow helps minimizes moisture accumulation and consequent mold development in these vulnerable zones.

Remember, each sloping plane extending from a ridge isn’t just making an aesthetic statement. It also has a practical function. Known as a valley, the planes direct rainwater and other moisture downward, away from the roof.

Maybe you’re yearning for more knowledge about this critical rooftop component. And who could blame you? Fortunately, you can get ready answers from a local professional. For instance, you might reside in Newport Beach. If so, just contact a Newport Beach Roofer and share your questions. They’re sure to be answered to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about the function of a roof ridge, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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These Little-Known Roofing System Components Have a Big Job to Do

During a roof replacement, an Orange County Roofer will build an elaborate system consisting of various structural components. Some of these, such as decking and rain gutters, are fairly well-known to homeowners. Others, however, are relatively unfamiliar. Yet despite this relative obscurity, these roofing system components have a mighty big job to do.

One of the unknown components is flashing. A thin sheet of metal, flashing sits at the base of chimneys, vents, and other critical spots. It’s purpose? -- to prevent water leakage during a rainstorm. Always a good idea.

When conducting a roof inspection, an Orange County Roofing Company looks for signs of flashing defects. These signs include bent or darkened shingles, which can result from spreading water. If this evidence is discovered, your flashing may require immediate attention. Professionals, of course, can make that determination.

Drip edges are another of the little-known components. As their name implies, these metal strips help protect roof edges from dripping rainwater.

Of course, no discussion of roofing components would be complete without mentioning fascia. This is a horizontal wooden board installed below rain gutters. The primary job of fascia is to direct water away from the home. As a bonus benefit, it also provides a certain amount of aesthetic appeal.

Yearning to know more about this topic? Fortunately, all your questions easily can be answered by a local expert. You may, for instance, hang your hat in Irvine. In that case, your next step is simple. Just consult an Irvine Roofer. In short order, you’ll be enlightened to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about roofing system components, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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A Good Way to Save Money on Roofing Services

If you have a pending roof repair or replacement, no doubt you want to save money on the job. Fortunately, you can accomplish this goal by doing some preliminary work yourself. While Orange County Roofers wouldn’t recommend performing actual labor, homeowners nevertheless can do some advanced planning to help defray costs. Doing so gives you a ballpark figure of possible costs and allows you to plan your budget accordingly.

So, where’s a good place to start when pursuing this objective? Ideally, you want to kick things off by getting some idea of what materials will be used. Hunt around, whether online or in store, gauging what various materials cost. Here’s where you may have to do some compromising. You might, for example, discover that a preferred material is far more expensive than you had anticipated. In that case, you’ll likely need to consider alternatives. The alternate materials may not be your first choice, but at least they’ll fit the limits of your budget. You can get substantial help in this area by consulting with an Orange County Roofing Company. The professionals there can point out the various pros and cons of the different materials under consideration.

Another important variable to consider is home size. Generally, the larger the home, the more a roof’s square footage – and therefore the more costly a replacement would be.

Once you’ve gathered the important information regarding materials and home size, you’ve performed a certain amount of legwork – legwork that Orange County Roofers won’t need to do. This alone will save you money once the project commences.

Clearly, there’s much to consider when researching roofing costs. But why shoulder the entire burden? You can gain valuable input and guidance by talking to a local professional. You might, for instance, reside in Laguna Beach. In that case, just consult a Laguna Beach Roofer on this matter. It’s that easy to get all the information you need.

If you have questions about saving money on roofing services, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Stay One Step Ahead of Roof Problems

What would an Orange County Roofer recommend to homeowners concerned about potential roof problems? The most likely recommendation would be – perform routine maintenance. Relatively simple and straightforward, roof maintenance enables homeowners to detect developing problems and prevent the issues from becoming more serious – and therefore more costly. Often, you can perform many maintenance duties yourself. For more demanding work, however, professional assistance is normally required.

Where should the maintenance process begin? A good first step would be – check your roof for algae and moss. Either one of these intrusions can cause severe roof damage. Therefore, it’s a good idea to eliminate these growths as early as possible. Fortunately, homeowners can choose from a variety of excellent products that’ll get the job done. If you’re not certain which product is best, simply ask an Orange County Roofing Company for recommendations. With tons of experience in this area, these professionals know what works and what doesn’t.

Another important roof maintenance step is cleaning out rain gutters. Why is this important? Because debris such as twigs and leaves can accumulate in those water channels. The accumulation often creates small dams that eventually cause rainwater to overflow. Under the right conditions, the overflowed water may leak into your home.

While you’re performing maintenance work, keep an eye out for overhanging tree branches close to your roof. Wind-blown branches can break off and cause severe roof damage. Should you see nearby overhang, clip the branches to create an adaquate space between them and the rooftop.

Curious to enhance your knowledge of this topic? It’s best to go straight to the source – a team of local experts. Let’s say you reside in Mission Viejo. OK. Just reach out to a Mission Viejo Roofer. You’ll be enlightened in short order.

If you have questions about roof maintenance, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Three Important Advantages of a Flat Roof

As a rule, Orange County Roofers service two types of roof – sloped and flat. Because of their known advantages, sloped roofs are the most common, particularly in residential areas. Nevertheless, flat roofs do offer some distinct advantages many people appreciate.

One advantage is the comparatively low cost of flat roofs. For the budget conscious, this is great news. Better to go with the flat than the more expensive alternative.

The higher price of sloped roofs results from the quantity of materials used – much more than flat roofs require. Plus, angled rooftops are more intricately constructed. Because of this complexity, installation requires more labor hours from an Orange County Roofing Company. More time, of course, equates with more money -- whether the service is an installation or repair.

Another advantage of flat roofs is their uniquely clean look – often a major boost to aesthetic appeal. Of course, being ‘fashionably flat’ won’t work if the look clashes with the surroundings. Meshing, therefore, is a must.

Finally, flat roofs offer the advantage of being algae and mold resistant. That’s because they’re comparatively easy to clean once installed by Orange County Roofers. A clean roof, of course, minimizes the chances of algae formation.

Want to know more about this intriguing topic? For immediate answers, it’s best to go right to the source – a local team of professionals. You might, for instance, reside in the San Clemente community. The next step is simple. Just reach out to a San Clemente Roofer for the desired info. You’ll have all you need in no time at all.

If you have questions about flat roofs, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Colorful Answer to the Ho-Hum Home

Who says a roof must be a run of the mill color? Today, you can choose from an assortment of roof colors to enhance the style and the curb appeal of your residence. Of course, the chosen hue should mesh with the appearance of both your home and the overall community. That’s where a qualified Orange County Roofer comes in. This professional can evaluate your situation and offer a range of expert color recommendations. The kind that will help your roof and your home look its best.  

When helping you choose a roof color, an Orange County Roofing Company will focus on your personal objectives. Depending on what these are, different color schemes will be suggested. For instance, many homeowners prefer a classic look that projects a timeless appearance. In these cases, professionals will point to white or gray, the leading choices in the classic category.

Of course, not all homeowners are classically inclined. In fact, many prefer a home that makes a big, bold statement. For these individuals, roofers often will recommend a complementary color scheme that helps a home stand out. For instance, a blue roof with a brown home.

Sometimes, roofs are matched with only a part of the home, such as siding. When going this route, Orange County Roofers may opt for contrast – i.e., a green roof with white siding or a gray roof with red siding. The choices abound.

To find out what all the choices are, you should get in touch with a local expert. Let’s say you live in Mission Viejo. OK, in that case, just reach out to a Mission Viejo Roofer. You’ll be duly enlightened in no time at all.

If you have questions about roof color, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What Factors Affect the Cost of a New Roof?

So, it’s time for a team of Orange County Roofers to replace your roof. Naturally, you’re concerned about cost. Totally understandable. Who wouldn’t be? In these cases, it’s always helpful to ease your mind any way possible. One of the best ways is to learn which factors affect the cost of a new roof.  Once you know this, you may get a pleasant surprise – maybe the project will cost less than anticipated. At the very least, you'll know what to expect.

Among the cost affecting factors, roof size probably is the most influential. Obviously, the more square footage covered by an Orange County Roofing Company, the greater the expense. Modestly sized homes clearly will be easier on the wallet.

Another important cost variable is home design. Elaborate or unusual designs and structural arrangements generally require more intricate roofing work. Costs, therefore, will rise proportionately. On the other hand, if simplicity defines your domicile, the project will be comparatively straightforward. As a result, service costs generally will be minimized.

One lesser known cost factor is permit compliance. That's right. Orange County Roofers must obtain certain permits, which are regulated by codes, before beginning a project. Each city or municipality has its own codes. Depending on your home's location, the permit acquisition process will incur certain costs. Fortunately, you can anticipate these costs by learning which permits apply to your home. As suggested earlier, the numbers may be lower than you think.    

Yearning to know more about roofing costs? You can gain valuable insights from a local expert. For instance, if you hang your hat in Dana Point, simply consult a Dana Point Roofer for more info. You're sure to be enlightened in short order.  

If you have questions about the cost of a new roof, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Protect Your Roof When Temperatures Soar

Now that the summer sun is blazing, it’s time to protect your roof. That’s right. With temperatures soaring in Southern California, many rooftops are vulnerable to sunlight damage. Fortunately, a qualified Orange County Roofer offers a range of solutions to deal with the issue.

In many cases, awnings can do the trick. For multiple story homes, these additions provide abundant shade to lower-level roof extensions. The shade, of course, keeps the sun away, thereby minimizing heat damage.

Shingle replacement is another heat control solution an Orange Roofing Company can offer. The new shingles likely will be made of proven heat resistant materials, the most effective being metal or slate. You can’t go wrong with either.

Solar reflective shingles also hold up well against summer sun. As the name implies, this type is coated with a special sunlight reflecting material. Many conventional shingles, in contrast, absorb solar rays, which filter through your roof and into your home. The absorption process has one primary effect – it raises interior temperatures to uncomfortable levels.

Finally, heat damage can be minimized by improved ventilation. As is well known, the better the airflow, the cooler the temps. To get the job done, a professional can install an entire ventilation system. The company also can install soffit, gables, and fans, all of which improve airflow.

Chances are, you’d like to know more about this important topic. No problem. You can boost your knowledge by consulting a local professional. You might, for instance, hang your hat in Tustin. OK, your next order of business is clear -- reach out to a Tustin Roofer. The professionals there will be happy to help.

If you have questions about protecting your roof from sunlight damage, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What You Should Know About Roofing Estimates

Alright, you’ve postponed a long-needed roofing service. Now you can wait no longer. You’re ready to select qualified Orange County Roofers to tackle the job. No doubt, one of your major concerns will be cost. But how will you know if you’re getting the best price for the job? Obviously, you’ll need roofing estimates. What should these price quotes include?

First and most important, estimates should include a detailed description of the work to be performed. This gives you, the homeowner, a complete idea of what will take place throughout the project. And it will help eliminate surprises.

You’ll also want a list of materials to be used. By providing this, an Orange County Roofing Company lets you know exactly how your money will be spent -- to the finest detail. Again, this helps minimize the possibility of surprises.

Make sure the estimate includes a warranty, which spells out its terms and coverage period. It also presents a pretty good idea of the quality of work you can expect. If a warranty isn’t offered, or if it does not meet your expectations, this is a major red flag. Move on to the next company.

One other important aspect of a roofing estimate is the payment terms offered. Some Orange County Roofers provide a range of financing arrangements, while others don’t. Any financing terms should, of course, disclose interest payments and installment amounts.

No doubt, you may want additional information about this important topic. Your best source is a qualified local professional. Let’s say, for example, you reside in Irvine. OK, then simply consult an Irvine Roofer. You’ll be duly enlightened in short order.

If you have questions about roofing estimates, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Asphalt Shingles Do a Great Job

An Orange County Roofer definitely works hard when installing asphalt shingles. But once the job is done, those shingles also perform a great deal of hard work. Their job? To protect your home from rainwater, heat, and all the other harsh elements.

What makes these shingles so good at their job? Several factors come into play. The first is their ‘togetherness’. That’s right. Asphalt shingles are nailed securely to your rooftop – and as an extra precaution, to each other. This meticulous process holds them together in a tight formation that helps make them impervious to the elements.

Adding to the protective strength of these shingles is their structural arrangement. When an Orange County Roofing Company installs asphalt shingles, they simply don’t set them down, side by side. Instead, the crew arranges them so that they all overlap. This overlap helps prevent rainwater from slipping in between the shingles. Leakage would be a much more common problem without this preventative arrangement.

So, exactly what happens to rainwater when it plops onto your shingles? Thanks to their tight, cohesive formation, the water washes down into the roof's gutter system and eventually drains to the ground.

Remember, although asphalt shingles work hard day and night, they do have an aesthetic side. You see, along with protection, they also provide an attractive look to your home. Their visual appeal is enhanced by an inspiring range of color options. Just ask your Orange County Roofer about the shingle color choices available for your home.

You also can ask a whole lot of other questions about this important topic. Just reach out to a local provider. You may, for instance, reside in Dana Point. OK. In that case, just consult a Dana Point Roofer. The experts there will be happy to assist you.

If you have questions about asphalt shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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How to Save a Bundle on a Sunny Day

What if you could get the new roof you need and save a bundle on your energy bills -- all at the same time?  You can when Orange County Roofers install solar reflective shingles. As the name implies, these shingles literally reflect sunlight away from your rooftop. By doing so, they help minimize the heat entering your home when temperatures soar.

To gain some perspective, consider what happens when an Orange County Roofing Company installs standard shingles. In that case, daily sunlight would reach your rooftop, which would absorb the incoming solar heat energy. The absorption process transfers the heat into your home, thereby raising interior temperatures. Perfect if you reside in a cold climate and welcome additional heating. In Southern California, particularly during the summer months, this might not be your favorite option.

If your home isn’t equipped with air conditioning, you’ll feel the discomforting impact of higher temperatures very quickly. And if your home does have a cooling system, you’ll feel the discomforting impact of higher energy bills as your AC kicks into action more often. Fortunately, these two outcomes would be minimized after Orange County Roofers installed solar reflective shingles. Your roof would be sending sunlight away from the home, instead of into it.   

How do solar reflective shingles get the job done? Basically, their power derives from a coating of special reflective granules and other materials. But there’s much more to know about the science behind these shingles. And you can educate yourself, if so inclined, simply by asking a local expert. For instance, if you live in Laguna Hills, just consult a Laguna Hills Roofer. You’re sure to be enlightened in no time at all.    

If you have questions about solar reflective shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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A New Roof Deck … Yes or No?

Are you getting a roof replacement soon or sometime in the future? You might be surprised to learn that not all replacements are the same. In fact, they can vary quite a bit. For some replacements, an Orange County Roofer simply might be installing new shingles. In other cases, the company will be putting in a deck along with the shingles.

What is a roof deck? It is a layer of wood serving as the foundation of a roofing system, providing sturdy support to the covering of shingles. During a preliminary inspection, an Orange County Roofing Company will determine if the existing deck must be replaced.  

While engaged in the inspection process, an Orange County Roofer will look for specific telltale signs. Depending on what the deck reveals, the roofing company will either approve the existing deck or recommend replacement.

Among the most common indicators of a compromised deck are water-stained shingles. Even one spot could signal deck damage. But this is only one of many possibilities. Also indicative of potential deck issues are dents and holes in a rooftop. These generally are caused by the impact of fallen tree limbs. Those holes, by the way, probably will lead to increased energy consumption. Expect higher monthly bills if this is the case.    

Chances are, you’re curious to know more about this important topic. How can you satisfy your thirst for new knowledge? Your best bet is going straight to an expert – a local roofing professional. Let’s say you call San Clemente your home. Your next move is a breeze – just consult a San Clemente Roofer about this subject. It just doesn’t get any easier than that.

If you have questions about roof decks, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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A Wise Move Every Homeowner Can Make

Are you worried about roof leaks? If so, you’re not alone. Many homeowners share your concerns. Many of them also worry about the difficulty of detection. After all, leaks aren’t always obvious – until water streams into your home. Luckily, qualified Orange County Roofers are experts in this area. They have the training, skill, and experience to zero in on even the tiniest leaks -- well before they compound into domestic drenching. If you’d rather stay dry, the wisest move you can make is this -- select a professional to conduct a thorough rooftop leak inspection.

How does an Orange County Roofing Company discover hidden leaks? First, by looking for rooftop stains. This is major leak evidence. Count on the leakage to worsen if not repaired.

Orange County Roofers also scan for soft spots. As with stains, these indicate accumulated moisture and probable leakage. Once either of these signs – soft spots or stains -- are discovered, the inspection crew will calculate the severity and devise appropriate solutions.

While leak inspections take place primarily on rooftops, they’re not limited to this upper region. Roofers will inspect any area vulnerable to leaks, such as attics. Common leak evidence in these spaces is mold and moisture.

Homeowners can amplify their knowledge of this topic by doing some research. Better yet, they can just consult by a local professional and skip the drudgery. Maybe you reside in Irvine. OK, simply contact an Irvine Roofer and let loose with the questions. You’ll get a thorough education in no time at all.

If you have questions about roof leaks, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Get a Head Start on the Roofers

Is a qualified Orange County Roofer scheduled to replace your roof? OK. In that case, you can expect the company to take various preparatory steps to achieve the best possible results – long before the crew arrives. Think of these steps as a kind of head start. Now what about homeowners? Can they do anything to get their own head start? Absolutely. Professional contractors shouldn’t be the only people making this effort. By taking their own preparatory steps, homeowners help make the entire process go more smoothly – for themselves, as well as for the work crew.

You can start outside your home. Why here? Because no matter how careful an Orange County Roofing company is, some debris likely will fall from the work area and onto the ground. Homeowners, therefore, should take protective steps to minimize potential damage. For starters, move whatever possible from the back and front yards, particularly items vulnerable to debris damage. These include plants, lights, and any toys lying about. Homeowners also will want to move vehicles from driveways. This step not only protects one’s car or truck; it also gives necessary access to work vehicles.

You also may want to move pets to the home of a friend or relative. That’s because Orange County Roofers will be doing plenty of hammering and prying during the roof replacement process. As you can imagine, noise levels will rise considerably.

Care to know more about this topic? Why be left wondering. Simply consult a local professional. For instance, if you reside in Dana Point, reach out to a Dana Point Roofer. You’ll get all your questions answered and will be much wiser for your efforts.

If you have questions about preparing for a roof replacement, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What Shape is Your Roof In?

From time to time, every homeowner should ask this important question – is my roof in good shape? Professional Orange County Roofers, of course, can provide an accurate answer simply by conducting a roof inspection. Homeowners, however, can do their own preliminary inspection. It won’t be as thorough as one that’s professionally done, of course. Nevertheless, a DIY examination can reveal problems in the making – or perhaps significantly advanced. Don’t worry about special equipment. You won’t need any. All you’ll require is a block of time set aside for the job.

During the roof inspection, homeowners should be on the lookout for specific trouble signs. Among these is scatterings of debris. Should you see material such as twigs and branches resting atop your roof, remove them at the first opportunity. Or have a professional do it.

You’ll also want to check for debris in rain gutters. Twigs, leaves, and other material trapped in these channels can block water flow, causing water to spill over the side and potentially leak through walls and roof edges. Should this happen, you’ll likely need a qualified Orange County Roofing Company to repair the damage.

Splotches of moss and algae also are an unwelcome sign. If you see this ‘greenery’ decorating your rooftop, get it removed by a professional. Not only does moss indicate the presence of unwanted moisture; it also holds the moisture in place. Exactly what your roof doesn’t need.

Itching to expand your knowledge of this topic? It’s easy. Simply consult a local expert. Let’s say you reside in Irvine. Fine. Just discuss the subject with an Irvine Roofer. You’ll be enlightened in short order.

If you have questions about roof inspections, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Shingle Construction Step by Step

Homeowners understand the hard work performed by an Orange County Roofer when a dedicated crew installs shingles. But many people are not aware of the hard work that goes into the creation of those same shingles. That’s right. Manufacturing these roofing components requires a series of steps that builds them into their finished form, layer by layer.

The foundation and first layer in this unique creation process is a fiberglass mat or sheet. Both sides of this sheet are coated with a layer of asphalt to which certain minerals are added. What’s the purpose of this mineral addition? Primarily to help make the fiberglass material more durable and weather resistant.

The next phase in the creation process is the adding of granules to the asphalt coating. These granules typically are made of ground up rock coated with ceramic. Naturally, these bits of rock have job to do. In fact, they have multiple functions. The first is to provide coloration; the second, to provide protection against sunlight.

Following this stage, a sealant is applied to the shingle sheet. Afterwards, a few more details are attended to, and finally the sheet is cut into the shingles we all recognize. Before going to market, the newly created shingles are packed into bundles and distributed to warehouses as needed.

Clearly, there’s considerable work that goes into the making of shingles -- long before an Orange County Roofing Company begins the process of installing them. Hard work before the hard work, so to speak.

Got questions about this little-known process. Why not ask a local expert? You might, for instance, reside in Newport Beach. Fine. Just discuss this topic with a Newport Beach Roofer. You’ll be educated to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about shingle construction, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Four Good Reasons to Choose Wood Shingles

When you select Orange County Roofers to replace your roof, you might want to consider wood shingles. Why? Because these offer many important advantages to the homeowner.

The first advantage is a distinctive appearance. Because of their unique look, wood shingles supply your home with plenty of curb appeal courtesy of their attractive rustic texture. But that’s only one part of the story. This texture is beautifully enhanced by a distinctive coloration, which can change shades over time. Often, the color will deepen from tan to dark brown over the years.

Fortunately, the beauty of wood shingles is matched by their brawn. Those who live in windy canyons will be especially grateful for this feature. You see, these shingles are known for being highly wind resistant. This means, of course, they won’t fly loose easily when those gusts stir up.

What about durability? That’s another benefit of wood shingles. Once an Orange County Roofing company installs this type, homeowners will get a roof covering likely to last a long time. Generally, they provide excellent performance for up to 30 years.

Concerned about price? You needn’t be. One other major advantage of wood shingles is their moderate cost. This number generally is in line with many other roofing materials. Bear in mind, however, that the price does not include labor. That’s something you'll have to discuss with your chosen Orange County Roofers.

Want to know more about wood shingles? Just ask a local provider. For instance, you might reside in Tustin. OK. Your next step is simple. Just discuss the topic with a Tustin Roofer. The professionals there will be more than happy to help.

If you have questions about wood shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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