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Is Your Roof Vulnerable to Humidity?

While Southern California is known for a generally dry climate, humidity can become a factor from time to time. Excessive moisture can do more than make people uncomfortable and send them running for the air conditioning thermostat. Humidity actually can cause damage to rooftops.  An Orange County roofer typically can spot the damage caused by humid conditions. It’s the same kind that develops when any other type of moisture penetrates the premises. Once the problems start, homeowners will be compelled to call in a commercial roofer to set things right and prevent problems from compounding. 
Often, unwanted moisture can accumulate as a result of improper rooftop ventilation. If you have a home near the coast, say in Newport Beach, you might have seen the results of moisture penetrating poorly ventilated areas. Most likely this intrusion will take the form of mildew splotches on ceilings and walls. Essentially, any area subject to limited air flow is vulnerable to moisture issues. Should you reside in a coastal region such as Newport Beach, you definitely should have a Newport Beach roofer inspect your home. You may require a ventilation system for the roof, particularly if there’s an attic below. These regions are particularly vulnerable to humidity problems -- problems that may go unnoticed for a long time.  A qualified commercial roofer can evaluate your needs and recommend a suitable remedy should this expert discover roof and attic damage caused by humidity.  
If humidity is causing damage to your rooftop, attic, or any area below the roof, the inspecting Orange County roofing contractor may recommend additional vents. Often, large attics and other spaces simply don’t have enough vents to cover the square footage involved.  Once the openings are installed, excessive moisture no longer will be a problem.  
If you have any questions about protecting your roof from humidity damage, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County Roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Juan Capistrano or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  

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